Rotterdamse Dakendagen, Bovenop Zuid, Zuidplein Rooftop, Rotterdam, 2023
Rooftop markings, paint

The Maas river is added to the horizon, viewed from the Zuidplein rooftop. The
Maas, which divides the South (Zuid) of Rotterdam from the rest of the city, is
not just a geographic boundary between the centre and the South, but also a
psychological barrier. While the South of the city is chronically neglected by city
policies, with evictions and ongoing gentrification affecting long term residents,
there are anecdotes of city councillors having never crossed the Maas. By adding
the Maas to the horizon, the river takes its place alongside the other landmarks
already visible from the Zuidplein rooftop. Along with Rotterdam icons; the
Euromast, Harbour, Maassilo, Delftshaven and Het Park, it completes the picture
of the city, but turns around the direction from where the city is usually read––
positioning the viewer to take a new perspective from Zuid to all the rest.
Curated by Opperclaes