Maastunnel, Rotterdam, 2022
Chalk markings through the Maastunnel pedestrain walkway

The Maastunnel runs under the Nieuwe Maas River connecting the city and the South
of Rotterdam. The pedestrian tunnel (separated from the bike and car passageways) is
the only space in the city that can be accessed only by walking, a transitory space in
which the body is always in movement. A rijksmonument, it was recently restored with
original tiles and concrete floor that spans ahead of the pedestrian for over a kilometre
of uninterrupted consistency, giving the impression of being never-ending.
In conjunction with the project Open & sneller, an installation in TENT in the city centre,
Loop walk expands into the city itself. Using chalk sticks made for kids to draw on side-
walks, markings are made while walking through the space, connecting the body to the
architecture and rhythms of the tunnel. Exploring the surface and how chalk responds
to it, the gestures mark variation, slowing down, and reveal details that might not be
immediately visible when in transit. Alive in the space, the markings remain until they
are worn out or cleaned, reflecting tunnel usage and maintaince rhythms.
Photography by Silvia Arenas